10 Effective Ways To Prevent Joint Pain}

10 Effective Ways to Prevent Joint Pain


Flex HarveyJoints are an important part of our body. They bear the total body weight, connect bones and facilitate the body movements. However, constant movements of the body parts together with the body weight induce a lot of stress on the joints. In turn, joints undergo frequent wear and tear, which leads to joint pain or arthralgia.Different factors like wounds, trauma, disease, strains and sprains, bursitis, tendonitis, osteoporosis and arthritis are the primary causes of joint pains. Since joint pain is severe and unbearable arthritic patients tend to live a miserable life. Well, the good news, however, is that there are certain effective ways to prevent it. Here are 10 of those suggested by MedlinePlus.Ice Therapy (Cryotherapy)Ice reduces the temperature. Blood flow rate starts to slow down as the temperature lowers. With the reduction in blood flow rate, tissues stop swelling. That’s why you can really reduce the pain by applying ice on the affected area. To apply ice on the joint you should first wrap the ice in a towel (since direct ice contact for a longer period may cause ice burns on the skin) and place on the particular joint for 15 minutes. Continue this process every hour for the majority of the first day. On the second day, you can do the same thing for about 4 to 5 times a day.HydrotherapyWarm water reduces the pressure on joints and muscles, so a warm bath can come in handy to reduce joints like knee and hip. You can immerse the particular affected part and massage it to stimulate the blood flow.MassageMassaging does wonders by alleviating pains on knees and hips. While massaging, try to apply a topical menthol rub on the affected area to alleviate the pain. Remember that the right way of massaging is to apply strokes that direct towards the heart. MedicationsMedicines like ibuprofen are a great pain killer. To relieve joint swelling and stiffness non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken. Prescribed muscle relaxants help reduce muscle spasms. But, you need to take medicines only as per the doctor’s recommendation.Natural MixturesYou can take natural herbal mixtures like herbal tea, which relieves different joint pains.ExerciseExercise can enhance the strength and flexibility of the joints and prevents potential joint pains. Remember to do only those exercises, which require you to move within the limits making sure that there is no further pain to joints. At times, minor exercises and stretching can ease the pain.Physical TherapyHere you can take the help of a physiotherapist, who helps relieve your joint pains by certain physical movements.Alternative Medical TreatmentsAcupuncture and Bikram Yoga are some of the best alternative medical treatments to reduce the joint pains and increase movements of the joints.Immobilizing the AreaTry to immobilizing the affected area with a splint or brace to help reduce the pain. Remember to do this only when the pain is severe, not always.RestTake enough rest and relaxation so you can reduce the pain up to a great extent. What it does is restores the energy and lets the body refresh and repair itself. You also need to take rest between periods of exercise.Last but not least, consult with an experienced doctor or a specialist and try finding out the most effective remedies immediately after experiencing the pain.

Flex Harvey is a fitness freak who loves to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Besides himself following a healthy regime, he inspires others too to stay fit and healthy. He is very particular about the health of his joints and uses joint health supplements like

Flex Protex


Flex Protex D

to maintain strong bones, flexible cartilages and healthy joints. Flex says, a healthy body is the index of a healthy mind, and these health supplements help pave your way to your ideal fitness.

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