President of National Association of Evangelicals resigns over gay sex scandal

Sunday, November 5, 2006

On November 2, Ted Haggard resigned from the presidency of the National Association of Evangelicals and his pastorship in the New Life Church after allegations that he repeatedly engaged in homosexual sex with a prostitute (Mike Jones) and used methamphetamine.

Haggard, a critic of gay marriage and homosexuality, is a leading social conservative voice. Author Jeff Sharlet reported that Haggard “talks to. . . Bush or his advisers every Monday” and opines that “no pastor in America holds more sway over the political direction of evangelicalism.”

In his church, Haggard preached “we don’t have to debate about what we should think about homosexual activity, it’s written in the Bible.”

On Wednesday Haggard denied knowing the male escort, Jones, but admitted Friday that he had summoned the escort to give him a massage in a Denver hotel room and bought methamphetamine from him. He then followed up and said, “I was tempted, I bought it, but I never used it.”

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