Easy Diy Guide To Achieve That Perfect Feng Shui Living Room

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By Lynn Lee

Who would have thought that the space in your house that is used most of the time can either be a magnet for good luck and prosperity or a giant cage that jails and houses bad luck and ill health? We are not here to make you regret that purchasing decision or even tell you that your brand new leather couch is a great money waster.

What we like to do is to share with your some ideas on how to use Feng Shui to improve your life. Feng shui, or the wind and the water is the Chinese belief that colours and arrangement will help anyone to increase the amounts of good energy in the household. Since we are caught most often in our living rooms, here is an easy DIY guide to achieve that perfect feng shui living room.

Feng Shui Living Room Arrangement

It always has to do with arrangement. Now I want you to imagine Chi or good energy as constantly circulating through the air in the world. It is your job to create a sort of a magnet by correctly arranging your furniture in a way that this good energy will find it too irresistible not to pay your house a visit.


Evaluate how your chairs, tables, couches, sofas and even your TV are placed. Avoid clutter and haphazard arrangement because that is like creating an impossible labyrinth for Chi to circumnavigate. Seats should also be moved or in some way arranged so that people sitting them have either a full or partial view of the doorway/entrance.

Brightness and clarity are the true friends of this wholesome energy. Light fixtures, studio lamps or even a few coloured candles will do wonders to light up your living room and attract Chi.

Not a light person? Well you can brighten up your place in other ways, by simply adding accessories like statues, mirrors or even some potted plants that breathe life into living spaces.

Also, if you have a backdoor that is visible from the main entrance, try to use mirrors and perhaps maybe a screen cover to sort of hide its presence. Money, luck and prosperity, riding on the waves of Chi will just sort of ride all the way to your back door and out of your house.

The secret is also not only to funnel Chi into your house, but to also retain it so that it can continually benefit your house. You can also use mirrors to take attention away from the exit; mirrors can also be used to reflect more light to brighten up a room or even increase visual clarity of the entire space, making the living room appear larger than it actually was.

Feng shui has been a crucial part of Chinese art and science and many swear by its effects. It is up to you to do yourself a favour and give this relatively inexpensive method a try. Get that perfect feng shui living room today.

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. Lynn Lee is a celebrated authority on Feng Shui providing valuable advice at





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