7 Ways A Dentist Improves Smiles}

7 Ways a Dentist Improves Smiles


Jordan Rocksmith

Keeping your smile looking radiant requires the right oral health maintenance. Seeking out dental care allows patients to understand the genetic makeup of their teeth, helping them to understand how to care properly for their teeth and gums. Far too often, patients fail to listen to their College Station dentist, and they are left with oral health problems. Here are seven things a dentist recommends to improve patients’ smiles.

Visit the Dentist Often

Did you know you should see your dentist every 90 days? Most insurance companies provide two cleanings and examinations, but this small coverage isnt enough to combat aggressive oral health problems. Why do you need to go every 90 days? The bacteria that is removed from a cleaning is recolonized within three months. Individuals dealing with gum disease will find paying for two extra cleanings a year is a great way to keep plaque and bacteria away.

Daily Flossing


Since bacteria can recolonize quickly, it is important to be on top of your oral health care daily. Flossing is something many people put off because they feel it takes too much time. The majority of cavities are found next to the gums where food is lodged between teeth. Flossing is one of the best ways to drastically reduce oral health concerns.

Prevent Serious Problems

A number of patients wait until they are in pain before they seek out dental care. Never wait until you are in pain, as this means its too late. Dentists try to prevent serious emergencies and painful procedures. The majority of dental issues will not cause pain until a cavity penetrates the dentin and causes pain. One of the largest concerns facing dental offices is helping patients to care for their gums. Gum disease is so common that at least half of Americans are currently dealing with some form of gum disease. Frequent checkup appointments allow a dentist to examine the teeth and gums and check for any signs of serious oral health issues.

Daily Brushing Is Vital

Brushing the teeth is important to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Brushing not only removes plaque buildup on the teeth, but also helps to remove bacteria that causes bad breath. Correct brushing must include brushing of the tongue to limit the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Dentists recommend replacing a toothbrush every three months to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

A Dentist Can Save Lives

A number of people put off seeing the dentist until they have a major issue. A dentist can save lives by catching signs of gum disease early. Gum disease is normally an early warning sign of heart disease. A tooth that becomes septic can slowly poison a patient. A tooth infection will eventually cause a blood infection, and it could take your life. Regular visits to the dentist will prevent serious oral health issues from occurring.

Health Advice

Did you know a dentist can learn about your health habits by looking at your teeth? A dentist can tell which patients drink a lot of soda and coffee just by looking at their teeth. Acid erosion patterns can help a dentist identify patients struggling with bulimia. Patients with stress normally have gum recession or signs that they grind their teeth.

Restore Confidence

One of the best reasons to visit a dentist is to help improve your smile. According to recent studies, 94% of people notice a persons smile before anything else. If you have crooked, yellowing, or cracked teeth, you can find yourself avoiding smiling. Visiting a College Station dentist is the best option to improve your smile and restore your confidence!

Heart of Texas General Dentistryis proud to provide the top dental procedures in College Station, Texas. We are your caring College Station dentist. Visit our page on bryancollegestationdentistry.com/ to see our page!

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7 Ways a Dentist Improves Smiles}


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